Friday, July 13, 2012

How will I know you, Mr. Jesus Christ?

While recently listening to the song "Diggin' Me Down" by Ozzy Osbourne (yes, I listen to Ozzy), I was struck by one of the questions in the song: How will I know you, Mr. Jesus Christ?

My immediate response was, "If you read His Word, you'd know Him." I believe this is absolutely true. But then it struck me that there's still the "human" element to all of this. In other words, Christ's church is central to His witness in our world today. Ozzy's question forced me to examine myself in light of who Jesus is and pose the question: Could someone imagine Jesus being like me? In other words, am I enough like Christ that his characteristics are evident to those around me? If one were to begin reading Scripture in an effort to know who Jesus is, would one start to realize that He seemed familiar, that one had seen those same qualities in Christ's church?

The challenge laid before us by Jesus is clear: "You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14). Terrible tragedies happen every day: sickness, death, rape, war, hunger, ambition. What is our role in tragedy? Are we to avoid it, separate ourselves from it, condemn it, work in the midst of it? How are we effecting change in the world for Jesus' sake? How do we work to alleviate suffering? How much of Jesus' compassion, kindness, love and patience is part of our character?

There will always be cynics, critics and skeptics. As Christians, we must understand and even sympathize rather than attack them. But perhaps, at times, their criticism is well-placed. Can the world see Jesus in you? If Jesus were among us, would people mistake Him for you?

It's a tall order, but we are called to do no less than be imitators of Jesus on earth (Philippians 2-3; 1 Corinthians 11:1; Ephesians 5:1). But as we surrender our lives more and more to his Lordship, we realize that it is not us, but rather He Himself acting through us (Galatians 2:20; Romans 8:9-11).

So, to answer Ozzy's question: You will know Jesus by His Word and by His church.

Monday, July 2, 2012

María, no Marta

Cuando pienso en la vida cristiana, a veces me abruma todo lo que debo hacer y no hago. Empiezo a pensar, "Estoy tan ocupado. ¿Cómo puedo hacer más?" Cuando contemplo en todas las personas en este mundo que no conocen al Señor, empiezo a dudar la eficaz de mi trabajo cotidiano. ¿Debo vender todo y cambiarme a un país del tercer mundo? ¿Qué de mi familia? Estoy haciendo bastante para el Señor.

Pero, al contemplar Lucas 10:38-42, me doy cuenta que lo tengo al revés. Mi "falta de fe" no viene porque no estoy haciendo bastante para el Señor, sino porque no estoy pasando bastante tiempo con el Señor. En vez de preocuparme por todo lo que no estoy haciendo, hay que primeramente sentarme a sus pies. Conocerlo. Aprender de él. Ser transformado por él.

Es tan fácil en este mundo seguir la cultura estadounidense que nos enseña a trabajar más y más para ganarnos un júbilo seguro. Pero esto no es la manera del cristiano. Si yo estoy dudando el poder de Dios para proveer lo que necesito, si cuando pienso en las miles de actividades que puedo o debo hacer para proclamar las buenas nuevas me pongo nervioso y me siento culpable, la solución no es hacer más y más. La solución es soltar las riendas; es sentarme en un lugar privado con la Palabra y meditar en los preceptos de Dios; es examinar la vida y las palabras de Jesús para transformarme por adentro.

Cuando el tiempo viene para hacer obras increíbles o mundanas para el Señor, no voy a preocuparme, porque yo "sé en quién he creído, y estoy seguro de que tiene poder para guardar hasta aquel día lo que le he confiado" (2 Timoteo 1:12).